いつきのみや歴史体験館 Itsukinomiya Hall for Historical Experience
Visitors can also enjoy trying on costumes of genuine royalty and nobility, such as 12-layered ceremonial kimono
Visitors to the museum can experience the history and culture of the Heian period, when Saiku enjoyed the greatest prosperity, and the life of Saio. Visitors can also enjoy trying on costumes of genuine royalty and nobility, such as 12-layered ceremonial kimono and everyday robes worn by the nobility, as well as ancient games, sugoroku, and kaioi (game using shells). The building is also a wooden building that was constructed to mimic the architectural style of court nobles' houses in the Heian period.
Address | 515-0321 三重県多気郡明和町斎宮3046番地25 |
Telephone Number | 0596-52-3890(いつきのみや歴史体験館) |
Fax no. | 0596-52-7089 |
Business Hours | 9:30am to 5pm |
Days Closed for Business | Monday ( except in the case is a holiday ) Year-end and New Year holidays ( December 29 to January 3 ) |
Price | Free of charge |
Website | http://www.itukinomiya.jp |