松坂城跡 Matsusaka Castle Ruins

Built in 1588 by Ujisato Gamo

Matsusaka Castle was built in 1588 by Ujisato Gamo, and remains a symbol of a city. While the original castle keep was lost in a typhoon long ago, the impressive walls — hewn from natural stone — are a sight to behold.
With plum blossoms in early spring, cherry blossoms and wisteria in spring, and gingko in autumn, the park is beloved by locals as a place for rest throughout the year.

Surrounding area Historic Sites


Address 515-0073 三重県松阪市殿町1539
Telephone Number 0598-23-7771(松阪観光情報センター)
Website https://www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp/site/kanko/matsusakajoato.html

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